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Insurance Technologies Announces ForeSight™ Mobility, First Point of Sale Software System to Provide Full Functionality, On or Off-line

January 13, 2004
Colorado Springs, CO

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (January 13, 2004) – Insurance Technologies, the premier provider of illustration and point of sale software for the financial services industry, announces its newest product addition, ForeSight Mobility, the mobile version of ForeSight Enterprise.

Through the deployment of a single set of code, ForeSight Mobility provides producers with the ability to complete needs based planning, advanced sales concepts, asset allocation, sales stories, illustrations and applications anywhere, with any device.

ForeSight Mobility allows the user to work in an internet connected mode, or an offline mode using a multitude of computing devices. The user may select specific business lines, products and marketing concepts for offline use. When they reconnect, the software automatically updates their code with any new rates or components, along with synchronizing cases according to user preferences. This capability allows the user to have the flexibility to move from a connected state to a disconnected state without having a different user experience or losing important functionality. Whether at a prospect’s house on their laptop, in the car with their hand-held device, or in the office on their computer connected to the internet, producers have the flexibility they need to make more sales.

Initial feedback from current customers and prospects has been extremely positive. ForeSight Mobility is the first point of sale software package to offer the freedom and flexibility of working on or off-line. In addition, ForeSight Mobility allows the carrier to achieve significant cost savings. By deploying a single system to reach all distribution channels, carriers install and test their products once to deliver their marketing message across the enterprise. Enormous savings can be realized by consolidating agent tools to ForeSight Mobility. Furthermore, carriers can retire outdated technology while enhancing the selling capabilities of their point of sale systems.

“Without question, this is the most meaningful upgrade to point of sale systems to occur in a long time,” said David Fenimore, Senior Vice President, Sales, Marketing & Product Development, Insurance Technologies. “Once again, Insurance Technologies uses the latest technology to deliver groundbreaking capabilities to the insurance industry.”

For more information about Insurance Technologies and ForeSight, please call the Sales department at 719-442-6400.

About Insurance Technologies 

Based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Insurance Technologies offers point-of-sale illustration software to the insurance and financial services industries. Its award-winning product, ForeSight, supports all product types, including Life, Health, Annuities, Critical Illness, DI, AD&D, LTC, and Mutual Funds – all on a single mobile platform.

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