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Insurance Technologies Announces Launch of ForeSight™ for Handheld Devices and On-the-Go Quotes and Illustrations

February 18, 2009
Colorado Springs, CO

COLORADO SPRINGS (February 18, 2009) -Insurance Technologies LLC, the premier provider of point-of-sale illustration software announces recent technology upgrades to its ForeSight™ 5.0 platform that allows producers to run quick quotes or full illustrations on their handheld devices anytime they are with a client, allowing them to shorten the sales cycle and close more business quickly and profitably. ForeSight is compatible with three of the most popular PDA’s on the market: BlackBerry®, iPhone and Windows™.

ForeSight PDA Platform is an integrated mobile insurance front office solution that gives producers the convenience of managing their accounts and advancing the sale with optimized customer service anytime, anywhere. This platform option is designed for all agent user types and work styles, and supports all Life, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income products. Producers are able to access client contact information, generate compliant sales illustrations, leverage pre-set sales strategies or simply produce a quick quote to maximize their customer’s time while using their PDA.

According to Gartner’s Steve Leigh, Principal Analyst – Insurance, “as agents increase their use of mobile devices, insurers and vendors must develop illustration capabilities to support them.”

The catalyst for ForeSight’s PDA platform has been the insurance industry need for keeping pace with agent and customer demand for real-time business processes. This latest form of on-the-go service at the point of sale in insurance is intended to give insurance companies and their producers a competitive advantage, helping them acquire and retain customers in a tough market requiring rapid sales responses.

Insurance Technologies delivers more opportunity and value to carriers and producers through its support of multiple platform delivery options. Additional selling points include single source code base for all platforms, single click access for emailing fully compliant illustrations to the prospect and improved profitability by increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. In today’s market, ForeSight for PDA devices can also reduce administrative costs by minimizing errors and streamlining processing.

About Insurance Technologies (

Based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Insurance Technologies LLC offers point-of-sale illustration software to the insurance and financial services industries. Insurance Technologies award-winning product, ForeSight™, supports all product types, including Life, Annuities, Critical Illness, DI, and LTC – all on a single mobile platform. Our latest innovation VisibleChoice® is a multi-carrier annuity sales platform designed to leverage multiple annuity products and features. Together, they improve point-of-sale effectiveness and help close more sales quickly.

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