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Insurance Technologies brings comPADible technology to the insurance and financial services industry

A couple going over information presented by an advisor

October 5, 2011
Colorado Springs, CO

Insurance Technologies is excited to be attending the IRI and LIMRA Annual Conferences in October where we will be showcasing the mobile capabilities of our Sales Illustration, Annuity Sales & Research, and Electronic Application solutions on the iPad. Insurance Technologies has received a great deal of demand from current clients and prospects about the ability to offer their products through mobile devices such as the iPad.

Since its release in April 2010, the Apple iPad has become a mobile device sensation. Scott Forstall, SVP iOS Software announced at the 2011 World Wide Developer Conference, that Apple had sold over 25 million iPads in the first 14 months of release. Not only is the iPad an attractive piece of hardware, but it is fast becoming the mobile computing business tool of choice for agents and financial advisors. The adoption rate of this platform among financial professionals is very strong:

  • Of 1,808 advisors questioned in the Financial 2010 Technology Survey, 17% (307) said they had already purchased the iPad, while another 51% (922) said they planned to buy one.
  • A report filed in the 4th Quarter by Good Technology found financial services firms as the fastest adopters of iPads for business use.
  • In recent blogs/articles, both ByAllAccounts CEO James Carney, and Evan Cooper, Deputy Editor of Investment News, recognized the iPad as one of the most talked about topics at the 2011 T3 (Technology Tools for Today) National Conference. (Read: James Carney’s BlogEvan Cooper’s Article)

As noted by many industry analysts, the next generation of agents will expect carriers to support these types of devices for more business processes. Carriers have already begun to position themselves accordingly. Insurance Technologies has long recognized this need for mobile solutions and has been the leader in developing software solutions that take advantage of emerging technologies offering competitive sales solutions to the financial and insurance industry.

Mobile access, real-time display and user-friendly touch-screen viewing features via the iPad makes for an easy way for agents and advisors to stay connected while enhancing client communications. Whether it’s through the ForeSight™ point-of-sale illustration solution, the VisibleChoice® annuity sales solution, or the FireLight® electronic application solution, the iPad serves as a portable connection source for financial industry professionals.

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