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Insurance Technologies Dives Into Extreme Programming (XP) at XP/Agile Universe Conference

September 18, 2003
Colorado Springs, CO

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (September 18, 2003) – Committed to continual improvement and client satisfaction, Insurance Technologies attended the XP/Agile Universe conference held in New Orleans on August 10-13, 2003. The conference focused on Agile Development Methodologies, taught through featured industry leaders sharing their case study experiences of implementing these methodologies. In addition to Insurance Technologies, other participating companies included Microsoft, Northrop Grumman, Qwest, and several small, leading edge development shops. Extreme Programming (XP) and Agile Processes have disrupted traditional software development processes, leading the industry towards lean, adaptable development methodologies. XP and Agile Processes are changing the way software is developed.

Already using many of the Agile processes, Insurance Technologies anticipates further project improvements as a result of the content presented at this most recent conference. From improving speed to market, using fewer resources and generally improving efficiency and effectiveness, the value of the latest project methodologies promises to have significant payoff. “It is all part of our continuing desire to find innovative ways to do business,” said David Fenimore, Senior VP Product Development, Sales & Marketing.

For more information about ForeSight and Insurance Technologies, please call us at (719) 442-6400 or visit us at

About Insurance Technologies

Based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Insurance Technologies is the pioneer of enterprise wide insurance point-of-sale management and offers a feature rich software solution to the financial services and brokerage industry supporting life, annuity, mutual fund, long term care, disability insurance and accidental death and dismemberment products.

The ForeSight family of products is Insurance Technologies’ multi-channel desktop and web solution integrating steps in the sales process including sales channel branding and content administration, needs analysis, asset allocation, quotes, hypotheticals, illustrative cash flows, suitability analysis, jurisdictional compliance, application generation and electronic fulfillment.

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