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Insurance Technologies wins UNIFI Companies as a New Client

August 21, 2007
Colorado Springs, CO

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (August 21, 2007) – Insurance Technologies, LLC, the premier provider of illustration and point-of-sale software for the financial services and brokerage industries, announces that UNIFI CompaniesSM, a growing Annuity provider, has selected Insurance Technologies’ ForeSight to enhance the functionality and overall user experience of their Annuity sales and marketing technology. As their Annuity products `gain in popularity, Insurance Technologies’ ForeSight, the application that manages all point-of-sale activities from a single platform, is being utilized by UNIFI to integrate asset allocation models, provide product training wizards, offer sales strategies and sales concepts, generate story boards, provide opportunity to integrate electronic applications, and to clearly present their differentiating product features and benefits.

Insurance Technologies’ ForeSight Mobility helps new field producers, or those with limited annuity exposure, provide clients with focused product information. The ForeSight platform is designed to help producers educate clients and compel positive action, which will develop a producer’s business. ForeSight Mobility also assists producers with two other essential tasks: creating actuarial onscreen quick views with monthly and yearly values and providing templates to create reporting sales kits.

“In order to compete in today’s annuity market, we need an Annuity specialty system to differentiate our unique product features along with an opened technology platform that allows us to expand electronic services to producers as ‘easy to do business’. ForeSight Mobility meets our needs.” said Eric Tang, Annuity Software Manager. “It’s crucial that every resource we create for producers to move the sales process along is simple to understand. Insurance Technologies’ ForeSight gives us the ability to deliver concise tools that innovatively demonstrate our product’s unique attributes, and make them easy to sell.”

“Insurance Technologies’ ForeSight gives UNIFI the type of innovative and impressive presence that will differentiate them in the marketplace, said Paul Skordilis, EVP, Worldwide Sales and Marketing at Insurance Technologies. “Our tools easily and effectively showcase UNIFI’s unique, client-focused attributes and create more informed clients and productive producers.”

About Insurance Technologies  (

Based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Insurance Technologies, LLC offers point-of-sale illustration software to the insurance and financial services industries. Insurance Technologies award-winning product, ForeSight, supports all product types, including Life, Health, Annuities, Mutual funds, Critical Illness, DI, and LTC – all on a single mobile platform.

About UNIFI Companies

The UNIFI Companies—Ameritas Life, Acacia Life, Union Central Life and their affiliated companies—offer a wide range of insurance and financial products and services to individuals, families and businesses. These products and services include: life insurance, annuities, individual disability insurance, group dental and eye care insurance, retirement plans, investments, banking and public finance. To learn more, visit the UNIFI Companies web site at

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