Streamlining Financial Planning for Households with Multi-Application Technology

Maya, a seasoned financial advisor, sits across from the Johnsons, a couple in their mid-50s. They enthusiastically share dreams of retiring early and traveling the world.  

But beneath Maya’s professional smile, a familiar sense of dread creeps in. She knows that, after this meeting, she faces hours of tedious data entry across multiple applications. It’s a process fraught with potential errors and lost time. She wonders, ‘How can I focus on providing the best advice when I’m bogged down by administrative tasks?'” 


The Superhero 

This is where a digital sales automation platform saves the day. Today’s technology can support the entire sales process. This includes initial data collection before the sale. For example, FireLight’s pre-sale tool makes it easy to compile multi-application information upfront. The step-by-step wizard guides advisors through the digital process. 

 The collected data can prefill various insurance and investment applications later. This reduces the need for repetitive data entry. A large insurance carrier’s client initially used the integrated platform capability. It helped agents write multiple policies for a single client in one meeting. It has now expanded to support different financial planning scenarios. 


Empowering Advisors 

Modern technology can gather data for multiple products or family members at once. This eliminates manual data entry and reduces errors simplifying upselling and administrative tasks. The data collected is used to pre-fill the application, saving valuable selling time. Advisors can then focus on discussing carrier product options with clients. 

A connected sales platform simplifies updates to customer data across all their products. For example, when a client’s address or phone number changes, the advisor only needs to update it once. The updated information will then automatically populate across all the client’s applications. This saves the advisor time and ensures consistency.  

There are a few situations when using a connected system makes tasks easier and faster: 

  • Your advisors fill out many applications for each client during meetings. 
  • You help manage finances for entire households, especially for wealthy clients. 
  • You’ve noticed that your current process is slow or inefficient. 

These situations underscore the need for a simplified and streamlined solution. A data form for multi-application data collection in a sales platform keeps it simple.  


The Trusty Sidekick 

A connected sales platform with the ability to support multiple applications offers various advantages: 

  • Improves efficiency. Eliminating the need to rekey client data into multiple applications. 
  • Reduces errors. Multi-application technology compiles client data during the first meeting. It then fills in this information on the application forms, reducing mistakes from typing it in by hand. 
  • Streamlines data collection. Gathering most required information upfront, even before meeting with the client. 
  • Provides a consistent user experience. Consistent user experience for advisors. It is built on the same platform they already use, so there is minimal training required. 
  • Enables straight-through processing. Allowing data to flow directly into product applications and other sales activities. 
  • Offers product agnostic functionalities. Versatile to support various lines of insurance and investment production sales 
  • Creates opportunities. Easier for advisors to sell more products to clients. They can quickly select online applications for extra products and use existing information. 


Unleashing the Power 

The connected all-in-one platform is better than entering data separately. It has superior automation and data flow features. Imagine Maya, our financial advisor, meeting with the Johnsons again. This time, armed with an integrated platform. She confidently guides them through their retirement planning.  

With just a few clicks, she updates their information across all applications. She’s free to discuss personalized strategies for achieving their globe-trotting dreams.  In today’s fast-paced financial world, this technology isn’t just a luxury. It’s the key to efficiency, accuracy, and better results for clients like the Johnsons. 

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